Posted on September 27, 2021
We attended the 66th annual 251 Club conference at the Capitol Plaza and Hotel in Montpelier. It was nice meeting new people who share the same interest as we do. On the way out I took a picture of the capitol building. We have eaten at Sarducci’s Italian Restaraunt. There is more to explore.
captured the Montpelier town sign while coming off of Rt 12 N. we were coming back from camping at Coolidge State Park.
Went to our second 251 Club annual meeting at the Capitol Plaza. Sat with Lori Brunelle and 4 other folks. CBS Good Morning America was there doing a piece on the 251 Club. I spoke about meeting the Coutermarsh’s and later meeting Darlene. In my talk, I mentioned gramps general store and how we had that in common with the Coutermarsh’s. The next speaker was Brian Keefe from Hilldene the Lincoln Home. He recognized the store and mentioned his connection to the store and how he and cousin Dave were best friends. We talked after the meeting. The whole conference was recorded for club members. CBS asked for pics to be uploaded for their program.
Stephanie from the 251 Club reached out n asked for a picture of Jamaica’s towns sign which CBS used. I was delivering vaccines for the State when I saw the sign. I wasn’t going to stop to take a picture because Ann wasnt with me, but something made me turn around and take it. Now I know why