Fayston Elementary School
Fayston Elementary School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.1792081 Longitude: -72.884251
Fayston Elementary School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.1792081 Longitude: -72.884251
Barre City Elementary and Middle School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.1847777 Longitude: -72.5045527
Barre Town Elementary and Middle School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.1681443 Longitude: -72.4854861
Cabot School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.4034803 Longitude: -72.3094797
Main Street Middle School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.2630165 Longitude: -72.5697266
Montpelier High School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.2606146 Longitude: -72.5870226
Moretown Elementary School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.2475546 Longitude: -72.7626445
New England Culinary Institute Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.2612112 Longitude: -72.559568
Northfield Elementary School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.1542928 Longitude: -72.6621159
Northfield Middle / High School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.1535921 Longitude: -72.6605942
Berlin Elementary School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.2144985 Longitude: -72.5717336
Brookside School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.2192274 Longitude: -72.4920495
Bull Run School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.088118 Longitude: -72.6853868
Center School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.2606156 Longitude: -72.4267701
Cobble Hill School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.1900613 Longitude: -72.4812152
Crossett Hill School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.3092235 Longitude: -72.7878956
Doty Memorial School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.3733073 Longitude: -72.5479694
Durkee School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.3167229 Longitude: -72.842619
Dwinell School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.340058 Longitude: -72.4051044
Four Corners School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.290059 Longitude: -72.4934398
Glidden School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.1539497 Longitude: -72.7203899
Goddard College Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.2790472 Longitude: -72.4383991
Green Mountain School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.2611705 Longitude: -72.559553
Harlow Bridge School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.1186729 Longitude: -72.6723317
King School Point of Interest: School County: Washington Latitude: 44.2978369 Longitude: -72.3989921