Mount Abraham Union High School
Mount Abraham Union High School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.135411 Longitude: -73.0940949
Mount Abraham Union High School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.135411 Longitude: -73.0940949
North Hollow School (historical) Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 43.9986744 Longitude: -72.8253881
Orwell Village School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 43.8043813 Longitude: -73.2990727
Ripton Elementary School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 43.9850661 Longitude: -73.0382387
Salisbury Community School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 43.9196446 Longitude: -73.1180987
Shoreham Elementary School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 43.8919594 Longitude: -73.3163879
Weybridge Elementary School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.0416715 Longitude: -73.2124555
Texas School (historical) Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 43.96173 Longitude: -72.8987224
Vergennes Union Elementary School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.166941 Longitude: -73.2479473
Vermont Industrial School (historical) Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.1717216 Longitude: -73.2451223
Red Cedar School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.1576542 Longitude: -73.1042001
Patricia Hannaford Career Center Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.0055555 Longitude: -73.1624663
Mary Johnson Children's Center Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.0105346 Longitude: -73.1654771
Smith School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 43.8436721 Longitude: -73.2648382
Smith School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.0831119 Longitude: -73.2873437
South Whiting School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 43.8467283 Longitude: -73.210115
Vergennes Union High School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.1700123 Longitude: -73.2431806
Vanderhoof School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.0575558 Longitude: -73.3798455
Webster School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.1786649 Longitude: -73.3262356
West Panton School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.1375545 Longitude: -73.3454019
Willmarth School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.0478347 Longitude: -73.2984544
Young School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 43.7903399 Longitude: -73.2412254
Howden Hall School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.1331134 Longitude: -73.0815076
Lake Dunmore School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 43.9272839 Longitude: -73.1017814
Lincoln Community School Point of Interest: School County: Addison Latitude: 44.0974886 Longitude: -72.9860357