Posted on October 8, 2023
Stratton is nestled in the Green Mountain National Forest and the home of Staton Mountain which is a popular 4 season resort. The AT / LT passes through Stratton. Our attraction has been Grout Pond. I visited it alone while camping at Sonerset, and I took Ann there previously. On 10/7-9/2023 we car camped in the cold rain and used it as our base camp for surrounding towns. While we were here I took Ann down the Arlington – Stratton Rd. to have breakfast with Chuck, Sue, Jeffrey and Jackie at Bob’s Diner in Manchester. After visiting Woodford, Somerset and Glastenbury, we took FR 71 back to Arlington – Stratton Rd and finished doing the whole road by going by going to Dover. We stopped at the Stratton Parsonage gift store along the way. The lady was real nice and gave us complimentary tastes of maple syrup and assorted candy. We loved this place!