Posted on July 22, 2023
Windsor is vertically rectangular in shape and has the Connecticut River as it’s eastern border. I 91 and Vt. Rt. 5 run North n South through it. Rt’s 44 n 44a starts or ends off from Rt. 5 and runs in an east, west direction.
We have been here before joing the 251 club to visit the Cornish – Windsor covered bridge. We camped at Wilgus with Chuck n Sue. When we parted ways we drove up the Mount Ascutney Toll Road. We also stopped through on our way to RI and had lunch at the Miss Windsor Diner.
Lot of Vt. history in this town.
7/21/2023. Camped at Mount Ascutney State Park to pick off both Windsors, Cavendish, Baltimore n Weathersfield. We went to King Arthur’s Flower for lunch in Norwich before driving around in the rain. We had time to stop at Simon Pearce Pottery n Glass to watch artisans make glass ware. An interesting business park exists there. Harpoon Brewery, a distillery, Great River Outfitters Path of Life Sculpture Garden and more. We experienced torrential rains so we drove around picking off towns waiting for it to stop. We arrived around 5 pm and barely got our new ( to us ) tent set up before it rained. We stuggled a bit putting it up. Ann looked like a midget holding up a moose with a broken hip as she held up the tent from the inside. We waited and then put a tarp up over the picnic table using Brutas and a few trees as anchoring points. A bungi snapped and cracked me across the face. I didn’t even swear! The blower to the air mattress died while blowing it up. I Managed to get 10 minute charge in bathroom. While assembling our sleeping quarters Ann stayed in Brutas with Tucker. It poured for close to an hour before we could reunite. Tucker hogged the bed. It was the most challenging camping experience we had in years but we persevered with great attitudes.