
Posted on August 25, 2022

Cabot lies between Marshfield and Walden. Rt 215 goes through the village of Cabot and connects Rt 15 with Rt 2. We have only driven through the town since joining the 251 Club, but have visited the Cabot Creamery and the A.M. Foster covered bridge with Chuck n Sue, while on our covered bridge tour. We have no knowledge of a town sign.

2/7/2024. A co-worker from work told me about Nichols Ledge and Coyts Pond. After a long stretch of work resposibilities ( brine machine n interim TAMS ) I seized one of the first sunny days in months and went on a recon mission with Tucker T. Nichols Ledge is a hidden gem and Coyts Pond is beautifully nestled in the mountains and hills of Cabot. I envision a kaying expedition with it ending at Nichols Ledge for stunning sunset.

The town’s municipal building on Cabot Rd. has an old V plow with the town of Cabot painted on it. Not sure if that qualifies as a town welcome sign