
Posted on August 11, 2021

Killington is a sqaure piece of land with a little jag in the Nothwest corner. Rt 100 runs diagonally through town in a North – South direction. Rt. 4 merges into Rt 100 before it veers off and continues it’s East – West direction

The longest time that we have spent in Killington is when we attended Nate n Molly’s wedding. We usually drive through but I want to spend more time there by camping at Gifford Woods State Park and paddling Kent Pond and checking out the waterfalls. We have driven through this park and visited Kent Pond. A lot to explore in this town.

7/1/ – 7/3/2022 we accomplished all of the above, plus we hiked to Thundering Falls which is on the Appalachian Trail. We also visited our ranger friends at Camp Plymouth. We left Gifford Woods to visit Chuck n Sue in Northbridge, Mass for a few hours, before driving back north to Newark and seeing Mike n Kimberly

Gifford Woods State Park and Forest, Kent Pond, Thundering Falls, Waterwheel General Store

First visited on 0000-00-00

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